For just over a week now, I’ve been attempting a raw food diet. Attempting, only because I haven’t eaten just raw foods, allowing myself the flexibility since maintaining my schedule didn’t allow for complete fatigue. I think at the beginning I was less than enthused with my meal options. I spent a lot of time thinking about food and what I was missing out on, instead of thinking about what I could still make with the ingredients available to me. Once the caffeine headaches subsided and I allowed myself a little creative freedom, things got much better.

This is my recipe for raw gazpacho-I’m not entirely sure if Tabasco sauce is raw, so that’s my only hesitation. It’s extremely easy, and event though cooked food has been working its way back to my plate, I liked the gazpacho so much I’ve made it twice in the past five days.

(mostly) raw gazpacho

  • 3 medium tomatoes, roughly chopped
  • 1 cucumber, cubed
  • 1/2 sweet onion, roughly chopped
  • 1/3 cup fresh cilantro
  • 1-2 cups fresh vegetable juice
  • 2 T. lime or lemon juice
  • salt & pepper
  • Tobasco sauce, to your liking (I used a smoky version of the sauce, which gave the soup great flavor)

Combine the chopped tomatoes and vegetable juice in a food processor, and blend till smooth. Add the cucumber, onion, cilantro, and lemon or lime juice, and pulse to chop the veggies. Season with the salt, pepper and Tobasco sauce. Serve with chopped cilantro and avocado slices.

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